
Friday, 7 November 2014

Why We Need Mission Day?

                         Should we celebrate Mission Day?
We should celebrate Mission Day so we can raise money for the orphans.
We should do that because they don't have any books to read. Also paper and pencils to write with.
Also they can have food to eat and clean water to drink.

They need money to buy clothes and uniforms to wear.They need shelter or houses with electricity to live in.
Now they are happy because they have money to buy things with.
It is important to celebrate Mission Day to raise money for the orphans because some of them
are living on the street.

Friday, 15 August 2014

The Day I Rescue A Spider!

Have you seen a spider before? One day I saw a spider in the garden with a broken leg. I took it inside the house and fixed its leg with tape, but it didn't work. The spider couldn't move, it was dead. I liked the mini beast.  

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Do You Know How To Make Ice Cream?

                                Ice Cream

Do you know how to make ice cream? Room 4 are making ice cream. I love ice cream because it is very cold and yummy. Our group beat the sugar and egg yolk until it become soft and round. Then we put the cream, the egg white and the yolk together.  Mrs Twomey put it in the freezer to make it hard. She left it there for 6 hours. The next day all of us ate the ice cream. It was so yummy.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Panmure Cottage

We need to look after Panmure stone
cottage because it is very old. I can
 look at things like old bikes, old pictures, old dresses, and an old 
washing machine. We went up stairs
 we saw an old bed. Down stairs
 I saw a glass vase and boots.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Why is milk important?

                     Milk is important
Milk is important because it can make us big. It can make us strong. We can use it in food and cereal.

Friday, 28 February 2014

How do cats show their feelings?

Cats have many ways of showing their feelings. When cats are happy they purr and lick you. They rollover to get tickled.