Matariki is a Maori name marking the beginning of Maori New Year.
There are a group of 7 stars that shines in the sky during Maori New Year and their called, Alcyone (Matariki), Atlas (Tupu-a-rangi), Electra( Waipuna-Rangi), Taygeta(Waiti), Pleione(Tupu-a-nuku), Merope(Ururangi) and Maia(Waita). It’s also known as the Pleiades Star Cluster. Its first rising in late May or early June. Some say think of Matariki as a mother star with six daughters, it’s also referred to as a group of seven sisters. There are two meanings of Matariki they are also referred to the stars, mata ariki means the eyes of God and mata riki which means little eyes.
Matariki is celebrated with Education, remembrance and the planting of new trees which is signalling a new beginning. Matariki is the best time to harvest and celebrate ceremonies to the Gods, Uenuku and Whiro to ensure that good crops for the next year.
Traditionally, Matariki is celebrated with a Maori community in New Zealand, while some people celebrate when the star cluster first rises. Others celebrate at the first full moon or new moon after the rising of Matariki. You can also cook with traditional Maori vegetables and acknowledging the value for achieving well-being. Explore the outdoors, Matariki is a time to learn about nature. Spend some time with kids in the kitchen, it’s important for children to learn the skill of cooking.
Matariki is a time to celebrate with your Maori community to cook Traditional Maori food and planting new trees that signals a new beginning.
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